September 13, 2019
Data sketching for genomics
> a review of algorithms and bioinformatic software

I recently had my first review paper published - When the levee breaks: a practical guide to sketching algorithms for processing the flood of genomic data. This is a quick post to summarise some of the thoughts behind the paper.
As the title suggests, the review offers an introduction to the world of data sketching algorithms
and their application in genomics. Like many, I’ve arrived to bioinformatics from a wet lab background. As I progressed from hacky perl pipelines to writing software that people actually use, I’ve had to learn a lot of computer science 101. At times I have been pretty overwhelmed by some of the concepts and algorithms, which was the case for sketching. Sometimes I wasn’t sure how best to parameterise some software, or I knew that a sketching algorithm would be a good fit for some task but I wasn’t sure which particular flavour of MinHash to implement.
I ended up writing a lot of notes on sketching, including the advantages/disadvantages, commonly used algorithms and the software which uses them. These ended up forming the paper, which I hope is a useful guide to those in a similar position to my former self. The paper covers several common sketching algorithms:
- MinHash
- Bloom filters
- CountMin sketches
- HyperLogLog
As well as the review itself, I included some online notebooks and an updateable list of sketching software - both of which have gone down really well. I’m grateful to those who have already given feedback and updated the software list. The notebooks can be run interactively thanks to Binder, which is a really great resource for making papers reproducible and accessible. It was particularly useful for this paper as Binder restricts you to 1-2Gb of RAM, which is ideal for showing off the low memory requirements of sketching!